Substance client properties

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View all client properties.

Client property name



Property name for specifying that the component should be painted flat (no background / border) when it's inactive. This property should be specified on a specific component or its parent and must have either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE value.

See also

Sample code

import java.awt.FlowLayout;

import javax.swing.*;

import org.pushingpixels.substance.api.SubstanceLookAndFeel;

 * Test application that shows the use of the
 {@link SubstanceLookAndFeel#FLAT_PROPERTY} client property.
 @author Kirill Grouchnikov
 @see SubstanceLookAndFeel#FLAT_PROPERTY
public class FlatProperty extends JFrame {
   * Creates the main frame for <code>this</code> sample.
  public FlatProperty() {
    super("Middle button is flat (rollover mouse)");

    this.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

    JButton buttonA = new JButton("a");
    JButton buttonB = new JButton("b");
    // mark button to have flat background
    JButton buttonC = new JButton("c");



   * The main method for <code>this</code> sample. The arguments are ignored.
   @param args
   *            Ignored.
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        SubstanceLookAndFeel.setSkin(new BusinessBlackSteelSkin());
        new FlatProperty().setVisible(true);

The screenshot below shows application frame with middle button marked with this property set to Boolean.TRUE. In the default state, the button's background is not showing:

The screenshot below shows the same frame where the mouse is over the middle button, which shows its background: