Substance 2.1 Dakota - new features

Drop shadows on popup windows

JGoodies Looks' package for drop shadows support on popup windows (menus, tooltips etc) has been added:

Heap status panel

Heap status panel when application is run under decorated mode has been added. The panel can be shown / hidden from the top-level frame menu. Clicking on the panel runs the garbage collector. This panel is shown only when substancelaf.heapStatusPanel VM flag (no value needed) is specified.

Specifying theme for a button

Added client properties for the buttons:
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.BUTTON_THEME_PROPERTY specifies hard-coded theme for the associated button. Value is display name of the theme.
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.BUTTON_PAINT_ACTIVE_PROPERTY specifies that the associated button should always be painted colored when it's enabled. Value must be Boolean.TRUE.

Specifying sizing policy for the buttons

Added client property for the buttons. SubstanceLookAndFeel.BUTTON_NO_MIN_SIZE_PROPERTY specifies that the associated button should be as small as possible (no minimum width or height). Value must be Boolean.TRUE.

Rectangular shaper for buttons

Added optional rectangular shaper for buttons. Can be set using:
  • -Dsubstancelaf.buttonShaper=org.jvnet.substance.button.ClassicButtonShaper - for all application buttons.
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.setCurrentButtonShaper("org.jvnet.substance.button.ClassicButtonShaper") - for all application buttons.
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.setCurrentButtonShaper(new ClassicButtonShaper()) - for all application buttons.
  • Using client property SubstanceLookAndFeel.BUTTON_SHAPER_PROPERTY on a specific button. Value should be "org.jvnet.substance.button.ClassicButtonShaper" string.

Wave gradient painter for buttons

Added optional wave gradient painter for buttons. Can be set using:
  • -Dsubstancelaf.gradientPainter=org.jvnet.substance.painter.WaveGradientPainter - for all application buttons.
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.setCurrentGradientPainter("org.jvnet.substance.painter.WaveGradientPainter") - for all application buttons.
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.setCurrentGradientPainter(new WaveGradientPainter()) - for all application buttons.
  • Using client property SubstanceLookAndFeel.GRADIENT_PAINTER_PROPERTY on a specific button. Value should be "org.jvnet.substance.painter.WaveGradientPainter" string.

Additional entries in system menu

Additional entries in the system menu allow changing Substance theme, watermark, button shaper and gradient painter without the need to code this functionality in the application itself. These entries are shown when neither substancelaf.noExtraElements VM flag is specified, nor SubstanceLookAndFeel.NO_EXTRA_ELEMENTS client property is put in the UIManager with value Boolean.TRUE.

Example of theme system menu entry:

Example of watermark system menu entry:

Example of button shaper system menu entry:

Example of gradient painter system menu entry:

Aligning menu items

Menu items in the same JMenu or JPopupMenu are aligned so that the texts start at the same X offset. This functionality takes into account menu item icons, menu item marks (for JRadioButtonMenuItem and JCheckBoxMenuItem) and nested menu icons.



Visual indication of not-saved frames

Support for Mac-like indication on frames that have unsaved content. Application should set SubstanceLookAndFeel.WINDOW_MODIFIED client property on either the JRootPane of the corresponding frame / dialog / internal frame or on the JInternalFrame. The value that corresponds to unsaved state is Boolean.TRUE. See 31-second AVI movie (530 KB) illustrating the technique.

Pulsating loop on JInternalFrame - red theme:

Pulsating loop on JInternalFrame - yellow theme:

Pulsating loop on JInternalFrame - tooltip on close button in unsaved state:

Pulsating loop on JDesktopIcon:

Pulsating loop on JFrame:

Visual indication of not-saved tabs

Support for Mac-like indication on tabs in JTabbedPane that have unsaved content. Application should set SubstanceLookAndFeel.WINDOW_MODIFIED client property on the tabbed pane's Component (if it's JComponent). The value that corresponds to unsaved state is Boolean.TRUE. See 67-second AVI movie (1.2 MB) illustrating the technique.

Pulsating loop on JTabbedPane - red theme (animation start):

Pulsating loop on JTabbedPane - orange theme (midway through animation):

Pulsating loop on JTabbedPane - yellow theme (animation flex point):

Close button and rollover effects on tabs

Support for NetBeans-like close button on tabs in JTabbedPane. Application should set SubstanceLookAndFeel.TABBED_PANE_CLOSE_BUTTONS_PROPERTY client property on either the tabbed pane's Component (if it's JComponent), JTabbedPane (for all tabs of that pane) or the UIManager (for all tabbed panes). The value that corresponds to tab with close button is Boolean.TRUE. In addition, there's rollover effect on enabled tabs (like on any other control such as buttons or scroll bars). See 45-second AVI movie (810 KB) illustrating the technique.

Close button on active tab in JTabbedPane - mouse not over close button (includes mouse pointer):

Close button on active tab in JTabbedPane - mouse over close button (includes mouse pointer):

Close button on inactive enabled tab in JTabbedPane - mouse not over tab (includes mouse pointer):

Close button on inactive enabled tab in JTabbedPane - mouse over tab but not over close button (includes mouse pointer):

Close button on inactive enabled tab in JTabbedPane - mouse over tab and over close button (includes mouse pointer):

Option for specifying base font size as VM flag

The substancelaf.fontSizeExtra VM flag specifies the base font size for all UI controls. The value is integer followed by optional plus + or minus - sign. The integer value plus 11 is the base font size for all UI controls. If plus sign follows the integer value, the base font will be bold. If this flag is not specified, the base font size is 11. For example, -Dsubstancelaf.fontSizeExtra=3+ results in

Ghost mark on unselected radio buttons

Unselected radio buttons show "ghost" mark to indicate that they "are" radio buttons:

Focus ownership indication

Buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons that own focus are shown with dash contour:

Additional color chooser panel

Xoetrope XUI has contributed their color wheel chooser panel:

Translucent watermarks on menus

The watermark painting on menus is translucent, allowing the menu to "stand out" better:

Additional themes

Twenty one additional themes have been provided in the Theme pack plugin. Among others:

Bloody Moon in org.jvnet.substance.themepack.theme.ExtraBloodyMoonTheme

Brown Velvet in org.jvnet.substance.themepack.theme.ExtraBrownVelvetTheme

Earth Fresco in org.jvnet.substance.themepack.theme.ExtraEarthFrescoTheme

Green Pearl in org.jvnet.substance.themepack.theme.ExtraGreenPearlTheme

Mahogany in org.jvnet.substance.themepack.theme.ExtraMahoganyTheme

Orchid Alloy in org.jvnet.substance.themepack.theme.ExtraOrchidAlloyTheme

Turquoise Lake in org.jvnet.substance.themepack.theme.ExtraTurquoiseLakeTheme

Yellow Marine in org.jvnet.substance.themepack.theme.ExtraYellowMarineTheme

Additional watermark

Additional Brushed metal watermark has been added in org.jvnet.substance.watermarkpack.ExtraBrushedMetalWatermark. This watermark is in the Watermark pack plugin.

Support for NetBeans components

Custom UI delegates for NetBeans components (tabbed container and sliding button) have been added under NetBeans. Example of custom tabbed container:

Example of custom sliding button:

Additional button shapers

Eight additional button shapers have been provided in the Button shaper pack plugin. They are:

Butterfly in org.jvnet.substance.shaperpack.button.ButterflyButtonShaper

Dolphin in org.jvnet.substance.shaperpack.button.DolphinButtonShaper

Fish in org.jvnet.substance.shaperpack.button.FishButtonShaper

Foot in org.jvnet.substance.shaperpack.button.FootButtonShaper

Ice Cream in org.jvnet.substance.shaperpack.button.IceCreamButtonShaper

Race Car in org.jvnet.substance.shaperpack.button.RaceCarButtonShaper

Rhino in org.jvnet.substance.shaperpack.button.RhinoButtonShaper

Stegosaurus in org.jvnet.substance.shaperpack.button.StegosaurusButtonShaper