Substance 2.3 Firenze - new features

Support for RTL orientation

Full support for right-to-left (RTL) orientation for both core Swing components and Substance-specific UI controls. Shown below are screenshots for RTL combobox, progress bar, tabbed pane, internal frame title pane and menu search panel (last two on the same screenshot in SUNSET theme).

Better support for dark themes

Better support for dark themes has been provided. The first screenshot below is from the previous version 2.2, the second screenshot below is from the new version 2.3 (both screenshots use EBONY theme).

Inverted themes

Added support for inverted themes. In order to enable inverted themes, use one of
  • UIManager.put(SubstanceLookAndFeel.ENABLE_INVERTED_THEMES, Boolean.TRUE)
  • -Dsubstancelaf.enableInvertedThemes VM flag
When inverted themes are enabled, the SubstanceLookAndFeel.getAllThemes() function returns inverted themes for all bright and cold themes. The matching theme kind is ThemeKind.INVERTED. All the colors of the original theme are inverted, effectively making the non-active colors dark. A screenshot of inverted AQUA theme with EXCEED watermark from watermark pack:

A screenshot of inverted LIME GREEN theme with CROSSHATCH watermark:

Mixed themes

A mixed theme uses two base themes (main and secondary) in order to create blended graphics. The matching theme kind is ThemeKind.MIXED. The class org.jvnet.substance.theme.SubstanceMixBiTheme provides a constructor that takes two SubstanceTheme instances. In order to enable a mixed theme globally in your application, use the following:
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.addMixedTheme(SubstanceMixBiTheme) - enables a single mixed theme.
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.addMixedTheme(SubstanceTheme, SubstanceTheme) - enables a single mixed theme.
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.addMixedThemeBy(SubstanceTheme) - enables a collection of mixed themes where the main theme is the specified parameter and the secondary theme is a theme of the same theme kind.
Once a theme is enabled globally, the SubstanceLookAndFeel.getAllThemes() function returns this theme. In addition, you can set a mixed theme locally on some button using the SubstanceLookAndFeel.BUTTON_THEME_PROPERTY property. Here are few examples of mixed themes:

Six "pill" buttons using local mixed themes. The themes are : AQUA + LIGHT AQUA, AQUA + BOTTLE GREEN, BARBY PINK + RASPBERRY, BOTTLE GREEN + LIME GREEN, BROWN + SUN GLARE, SUNSET + ORANGE:

BROWN + SUN GLARE global theme set. The controls (tabbed pabe, scroll bars) are using the global theme:

SKY HIGH + TURQUOISE LAKE (both from theme pack) theme selected from NetBeans module. In addition, CLASSIC button shaper and SPECULAR gradient painter are used:

Tinted, toned and shaded themes

All Substance themes can be tinted (shifted towards white), toned (shifted towards gray) and shaded (shifted towards black).
  • In order to tone a theme, use org.jvnet.substance.theme.SubstanceTintTheme.
  • In order to tint a theme, use org.jvnet.substance.theme.SubstanceToneTheme.
  • In order to shade a theme, use org.jvnet.substance.theme.SubstanceShadeTheme.
The following screenshots illustrate the original (AQUA) theme, 40% toned, 40% tinted and 40% shaded versions of the original (AQUA) theme:

Icons for watermark menu items in the system menu

Menu items for changing the current watermark in the system menu have preview icons:

Image watermark kind

The SubstanceConstants.ImageWatermarkKind enum defines the following kinds of image watermark:
  • SCREEN_CENTER_SCALE - the default behaviour. The image is centered in the screen and scaled down if necessary.
  • SCREEN_TILE - the image is tiled starting from the screen top-left corner and not scaled.
  • APP_ANCHOR - the image is anchored to the top-left corner of the application frame and not scaled.
  • APP_CENTER - the image is anchored to the center of the application frame and not scaled.
  • APP_TILE - the image is tiled starting from the top-left corner of the application frame and not scaled.
In order to set the image watermark kind use
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.setImageWatermarkKind(ImageWatermarkKind)
  • -Dsubstancelaf.watermark.image.kind VM property. The value should match the name of one of the SubstanceConstants.ImageWatermarkKind enum values.
An example of APP_TILE image watermark kind:

Image watermark opacity

Added option to specify the opacity of the image watermark. The default value is 0.2 and can be changed by
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.setImageWatermarkOpacity(float). The value should be a float in 0.0-1.0 range.
  • -Dsubstancelaf.watermark.image.opacity VM property. The value should be a float in 0.0-1.0 range.
An example of default opacity (0.2) and custom opacity (0.6):

Regular watermarks are theme-based

Non-image watermarks use theme-based colors. An example of KATAKANA watermark under FAUVE MAUVE and SPRING LEAF themes (from theme pack):

Noise-based watermarks

Seven new noise-based watermarks (shown under EBONY theme):

Copperplate Engraving


Magnetic Field

Marble Vein




Additional focus ring kinds

Added two new focus kinds in SubstanceConstants.FocusKind enum - UNDERLINE and STRONG_UNDERLINE. The screenshot is under CROSSHATCH watermark:

Configuring toolbar flatness

New client property SubstanceLookAndFeel.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_FLAT defines the appearance of non-rollover non-selected buttons in toolbars. The default appearance is flat (no background, no border) and can be changed by setting the above property to Boolean.FALSE on the button itself, on the toolbar or globally on UIManager. The top toolbar in the screenshot has default behaviour (all buttons are flat), the bottom toolbar is marked with the above property and all its buttons are not flat (under LATCH watermark):

Tab overview dialog

The org.jvnet.substance.tabbed.TabPreviewPainter class provides an option to have a tab overview button. The org.jvnet.substance.tabbed.DefaultTabPreviewPainter provides a default implementation of this abstract class. In order to set the tab preview painter, use client property SubstanceLookAndFeel.TABBED_PANE_PREVIEW_PAINTER on either tabbed pane or globally on UIManager. Value should be an instance of the above class. Once this property is set, the tabbed pane will show an overview button (situated according to the tab placement). Shown below is the tab with tab overview button on TOP and BOTTOM placement:

When the tab overview button is clicked, the tab overview dialog is shown and a separate thread starts populating this dialog with preview thumbnails of all the tab components:

Clicking on a tab thumbnail closes the tab overview dialog and selects the matching tab component. Basic rollover effects and tooltip messages are provided on the tab overview widgets.

Tab preview window

The org.jvnet.substance.tabbed.TabPreviewPainter class provides an option to have a tab preview window that will be shown when the mouse hovers over a tab. The org.jvnet.substance.tabbed.DefaultTabPreviewPainter provides a default implementation of this abstract class. In order to set the tab preview painter, use client property SubstanceLookAndFeel.TABBED_PANE_PREVIEW_PAINTER on either tabbed pane or globally on UIManager. Value should be an instance of the above class. Once this property is set, the tabbed pane will show preview window of the tab under mouse (aligned according to the tab placement):

One-click multiple tab close

The org.jvnet.substance.tabbed.TabCloseCallback interface provides an option to install a one-click tab close functionality on JTabbedPanes. An instance of this interface can be set on either the tab component, the tabbed pane or globally on UIManager using the SubstanceLookAndFeel.TABBED_PANE_CLOSE_CALLBACK client property. The implementation should return tooltips for relevant actions and the SubstanceConstants.TabCloseKind value for mouse click on tab area and on close button area. The values of this enum are:
  • NONE - take no action
  • THIS - close tab under click
  • ALL - close all tabs
  • ALL_BUT_THIS - close all tabs but tab under click
If a VetoableMultipleTabCloseListener is registered on the tabbed pane / globally, it may veto the above result. It is application's responsibility to provide consistent implementation of these two interfaces. A sample screenshot of NetBeans-like implementation of one-click tab closing:

Text alignment on tabs

SubstanceConstants.TabTextAlignmentKind enum specifies available text alignment kinds for tabbed panes with LEFT and RIGHT placement. The following kinds are available:
  • DEFAULT - default alignment (centered).
  • ALWAYS_LEFT - text is always aligned to left.
  • ALWAYS_RIGHT - text is always aligned to right.
  • FOLLOW_PLACEMENT - on LEFT placement text is aligned to left, on RIGHT placement text is aligned to right.
  • FOLLOW_ORIENTATION - recommended alignment. For LTR orientation text is aligned to left, for RTL orientation text is aligned to right.
In order to set the text alignment, use client property SubstanceLookAndFeel.TABBED_PANE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_KIND on either tabbed pane or globally on UIManager. Value should be an element of the above enum. Screenshots of DEFAULT, ALWAYS_LEFT and ALWAYS_RIGHT alignment:

Screenshot of FOLLOW_ORIENTATION in RTL-oriented application with RIGHT placement:

Color picker in color chooser

Integrated Quaqua 3.6.2 color chooser with color picker functionality:

Constant themes for option pane icons

The SubstanceLookAndFeel.setToUseThemesOnDialogs(boolean) allows specifying that the option pane icons should use constant themes. The themes are:
  • SUNFIRE RED (not public) for JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE
Screenshots of different option panes under SQUARE MOSAIC watermark and GOOSEBERRY JUNGLE theme from theme pack (note that the icon theme does not match the dialog theme):

Improved painting of title panes

Improved visual appearance (drop shadows) for title panes - both frame / dialog title and icon echo overlay. The first screenshot below is from the previous version 2.2, the second screenshot below is from the new version 2.3.

Flyout orientation of combobox popup window

Configurable flyout orientation of combobox popup window is controlled by setting the SubstanceLookAndFeel.COMBO_BOX_POPUP_FLYOUT_ORIENTATION client property on either the combobox or globally on UIManager. Valid value is one of the following integers:
  • SwingConstants.SOUTH - default value. Popup is shown under the combobox.
  • SwingConstants.NORTH - popup is shown above the combobox.
  • SwingConstants.EAST - popup is shown to the right of the combobox aligned to the combobox top.
  • SwingConstants.WEST - popup is shown to the left of the combobox aligned to the combobox top.
  • SwingConstants.CENTER - popup is shown over the combobox and vertically centered.
The combobox arrow orientation is set accordingly: