Substance 3.0 Grenada - new features

Blended themes

New blended theme implemented in org.jvnet.substance.theme.SubstanceBlendBiTheme is created based on two original themes (should be simple ones) and a likeness coefficient. The colors of the blended theme will be the interpolation of colors of the original themes (based on the likeness coefficient).

This example shows a mixed theme created from two blended themes, the first one a blend of Bottle Green and Lime Green and the second one a blend of Purple and Aqua:

new SubstanceMixBiTheme(new SubstanceBlendBiTheme(
              new SubstanceBottleGreenTheme(),
              new SubstanceLimeGreenTheme()0.6),
              new SubstanceBlendBiTheme(
                  new SubstancePurpleTheme(),
                  new SubstanceAquaTheme()0.4))

And the result is:

Saturated / desaturated themes

New saturated theme implemented in org.jvnet.substance.theme.SubstanceSaturatedTheme is created based on a original theme and a saturation factor. The valid range for the saturation factor is -1.0...1.0. The positive values produce saturated colors (the higher the value, the more saturated the colors will be), while the negative values produce desaturated colors (the lower the value, the more desaturated the colors will be).

Important note - do not create instances of saturated themes directly using the constructor. Use the public SubstanceTheme saturate(double saturateFactor) method available in org.jvnet.substance.theme.SubstanceTheme to create properly saturated themes (this is true especially for non-simple themes). Here are examples of a regular (Aqua theme), the desaturated version (by 50 percent) and the saturated version (by 50 percent). Note that all theme paintings (including disabled controls) are saturated:

Complex themes
(user requested)

The org.jvnet.substance.theme.SubstanceComplexTheme allows complete control over active, default and disabled color schemes for application / single control.

The frame above was created under the following theme:

ColorScheme shiftBlue = new ShiftColorScheme(
    new AquaColorScheme()new Color(100150255),
SubstanceTheme activeTheme = new SubstanceSaturatedTheme(
    new SubstanceOrangeTheme()0.4);
SubstanceTheme defaultTheme = new SubstanceSaturatedTheme(
    new SubstanceTheme(shiftBlue, "Aqua Blue",
        ThemeKind.BRIGHT), -0.3);
SubstanceTheme disabledTheme = new SubstanceTintTheme(
    new SubstanceBlendBiTheme(new SubstanceAquaTheme(),
        new SubstanceSteelBlueTheme()0.8)0.6);
SubstanceTheme activeTitleTheme = new SubstanceSaturatedTheme(
    defaultTheme, 0.2);
setTheme(new SubstanceComplexTheme("Office 2007",
    ThemeKind.BRIGHT, activeTheme, defaultTheme,
    disabledTheme, activeTitleTheme));

Additional sample complex themes implemented in org.jvnet.substance.theme.ComplexThemeFactory: Field of Wheat Green Magic Streetlights Magma Mango Finding Nemo

Prototype display value for combo popup
(user requested)

New client property SubstanceLookAndFeel.COMBO_POPUP_PROTOTYPE defines the prototype display value for combo popup (useful for narrow popups with values that span wide). The value should either be an Object (in which case it's taken to be a model entry) or an implementation of org.jvnet.substance.combo.ComboPopupPrototypeCallback. Implementation of this interface that returns the widest entry is available in org.jvnet.substance.combo.WidestComboPopupPrototype.

Example of a combo with Object prototype display value for popup:

    JComboBox comboProto1 = new JComboBox(new Object[] { "aa""aaaaa",
        "aaaaaaaaaa""this one is the one""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" });
        "this one is the one");

And the result is (note that the last element is "cut off"):

Example of a combo with Object prototype display value for popup:

    JComboBox comboProto1 = new JComboBox(new Object[] { "aa""aaaaa",
        "aaaaaaaaaa""this one is the one""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" });
        "this one is the one");

And the result is (note that the last element is "cut off"):

Example of a combo with widest-entry prototype display value for popup:

    JComboBox comboProto2 = new JComboBox(new Object[] { "aa""aaaaa",
        "aaaaaaaaaa""another one (not it)""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" });
        new WidestComboPopupPrototype());

And the result is (note that the last element is "cut off"):

Example of a combo with custom computation of prototype display value for popup:

    JComboBox comboProto3 = new JComboBox(new Object[] { "aa""aaaaa",
        "this is not""this one is not it",
        "this one is it that is for the popup" });
        new ComboPopupPrototypeCallback() {
          public Object getPopupPrototypeDisplayValue(JComboBox jc) {
            return jc.getModel().getElementAt(
                jc.getModel().getSize() 1);

And the result is (last element is selected as prototype):

Expanding per-component theme support
(user requested)

The support for SubstanceLookAndFeel.THEME_PROPERTY has been expanded to additional controls. Here are screenshots that show custom theme (Bottle Green being used on a specific tabbed pane and on a specific scroll pane (scroll bars and scroll buttons):

Animated tab icons
(user requested)

New client property SubstanceLookAndFeel.TABBED_PANE_TAB_ANIMATION_KIND defines the icon animation kind for a tab in tabbed pane. The value should be one of the org.jvnet.substance.utils.SubstanceConstants.TabAnimationKind enum (currently supported values are LOADING, ERROR and WARNING). In order to start the animation or change the animation kind to a different value, put the client property to relevant value on the specific tab component. In order to stop the animation, set the client property to null. Note that while the animation starts immediately, the change and stop are performed only at the end of the current animation cycle.

Example of a tab with the original icon and the same tab under three different animation kinds:

Additional title painter
(user requested)

Added alternative title painter. Can be set using:
  • -Dsubstancelaf.titlePainter=org.jvnet.substance.title.RandomCubesTitlePainter
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.setCurrentTitlePainter("org.jvnet.substance.title.RandomCubesTitlePainter")
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.setCurrentTitlePainter(new RandomCubesTitlePainter())
The screenshot below shows the defauly (Glass 3D) title painter and the alternative (Random Cubes) title painter:

Tab paging

Ctrl+Right Arrow and Ctrl+Left Arrow keyboard shortcuts provide thumbnail paging of all tabs in the currently focused tabbed pane (unless consumed by any child component). Pressing Ctrl+Right/Left Arrow opens three windows, one in the middle that shows a large thumbnail of a tab (starts from the current tab), and two side windows displaying small thumbnails of previous and next tabs. Each press on arrow key (while Ctrl is pressed) moves the thumbnails forward / backward (cycling). Once Ctrl is released, the currently shown tab (in the middle thumbnail window) is selected.

"Select all on focus" on text components
(user requested)

New client property LafWidget.TEXT_SELECT_ON_FOCUS specifies that the relevant text field(s) should select all text on focus gain. This property can be set either on a specific text field or globally on UIManager and should be either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE. Example of a text field before and after focus gain:

Edit context menu on text components

New client property LafWidget.TEXT_EDIT_CONTEXT_MENU specifies that the relevant text field(s) should show edit context menu (with Cut / Copy / Paste / Select All / Delete menu items enabled in correspondance with the text field enabled status, text field selection and clipboard contents). This property can be set either on a specific text field or globally on UIManager and should be either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE. Example of a text field before and after selecting some text:

Drag-and-drop support on trees

New client property LafWidget.TREE_AUTO_DND_SUPPORT specifies that the relevant tree(s) should provide DnD support. This property can be set either on a specific text field or globally on UIManager and should be either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE. Examples of a tree with DnD support when drop is enabled (gson21 is being dragged) and a tree with DnD support when drop is not enabled (gson11 is being dragged under one of its children):

Tab overview dialog supports periodic refreshing
(user requested)

The following two new methods have been added to the org.jvnet.lafwidget.tabbed.TabPreviewPainter class:

public boolean toUpdatePeriodically(JTabbedPane tabPane)
public int getUpdateCycle(JTabbedPane tabPane)

The default implementation of the first method return false (no periodic update). Custom implementation that wishes to periodically update the tab overview dialog should return true in the overriding implementation of the first method and the number of milliseconds between updates in the overriding implementation of the second method. Screenshots below show tab overview of a tabbed pane with 3 seconds period. The second screenshot shows the overview after some tabs have been added. The third screenshot shows the overview after some tabs have been deleted.

Fractal-based watermarks

Fractal-based watermarks were added to the watermark pack. Four new watermarks are Kaleidoscope, Scriptures, Singularity and Vortex (shown here under Dark Violet theme):

Custom buttons on decorated title panes
(user requested)

The following two methods in org.jvnet.substance.SubstanceLookAndFeel allow adding and clearing custom buttons on decorated title panes of frames, dialogs and internal frames:

public static void setRootPaneCustomTitleButtons(JRootPane rootPane,
      List<TitleButtonInfo> infoList)
public static void removeRootPaneCustomTitleButtons(JRootPane rootPane)

Sample usage of this API that creates custom buttons that open an option dialog when clicked and have theme-consistent icons is:

TitleButtonInfo tbInfo1 = new TitleButtonInfo();
tbInfo1.setActionListener(new ActionListener() {
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        "Custom button 1 activated");
tbInfo1.setTooltipText("Tooltip for custom button 1");
tbInfo1.setButtonCallback(new TitleButtonCallback() {
  public Icon getTitleButtonIcon(
      SubstanceTheme currSubstanceTheme,
      int iconMaxWidth, int iconMaxHeight) {
    return new ImageIcon(SubstanceImageCreator

TitleButtonInfo tbInfo2 = new TitleButtonInfo();

java.util.List<TitleButtonInfo> tbInfoList = new LinkedList<TitleButtonInfo>();
    this.getRootPane(), tbInfoList);

The title pane before calling the code above:

The title pane after calling the code above:

The tooltip on the first custom button:

The first custom button clicked:

Fade animations on lists

Lists provide fade animations on selections (both user-input and via API) and rollovers. The top part of the screenshot below shows a list when element 6 is selected. The middle part shows the fade animation when the element 7 is selected instead (note the fade-out on element 6 and fade-in on element 7. The bottom part shows the animation completed and element 7 selected.

Note that as with other controls, setting the org.jvnet.lafwidget.LafWidget.ANIMATION_KIND client property on the list with one of the values of org.jvnet.lafwidget.utils.AnimationKind enum will change the fade animation speed.

Improved rendering of drag bumps on toolbars

The rendering of drag bumps on toolbars has been improved to provide seamless "embedding" of drag bumps into the toolbar. The first screenshot shows the toolbar drag bumps under 2.3, while the second screenshot shows the toolbar drag bumps under 3.0.

Added drag bumps on split pane dividers

Drag bumps have been added to the split pane dividers:

Improved painting of sliders

The slider icons have been made smaller to produce more compact control. The screenshot below shows sliders under versions 2.3 (top-left horizontal and mid-right vertical) and 3.0 (bottom-left horizontal and right vertical):

Configurable corner radius of toolbar buttons
(user requested)

New client property SubstanceLookAndFeel.CORNER_RADIUS defines the corner radius of toolbar buttons. The value should be an instance of Float and can be set on a single button, a single toolbar or globally on UIManager. A screenshot below shows three buttons on the same toolbar, the first with the default 2.0 corner radius, the second with custom 5.0 corner radius and the third with custom 0.0 corner radius:

Improved painting of inverted themes

The painting of inverted themes has been improved to create more contrast and improve title color. The first image below is pre-3.0 implementation, the second image is 3.0 implementation.