Substance 2.2 El Paso - new features

Localization and internationalization

All Substance-specific labels (system menu entries, Xoetrope color chooser panel, heap status panel, menu search panel, ...) are internationalized. See this document for the list of available translations.

Vertical (rotated) tabs in tabbed panes

Tabs in tabbed panes under LEFT and RIGHT placement can be layed out vertically (rotated). In addition, the icon can be drawn either rotated (with the tab) or unrotated. See this blog entry for the description on how to use this feature.

Strength checking on passwords

Password fields can provide visual feedback on the strength of the currently set contents (password). See this blog entry for the description on how to use this feature. See 22-second AVI movie (412 KB) illustrating the technique.

Specular gradient painter for buttons

Added optional specular gradient painter for buttons. Can be set using:
  • -Dsubstancelaf.gradientPainter=org.jvnet.substance.painter.SpecularGradientPainter - for all application buttons.
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.setCurrentGradientPainter("org.jvnet.substance.painter.SpecularGradientPainter") - for all application buttons.
  • SubstanceLookAndFeel.setCurrentGradientPainter(new SpecularGradientPainter()) - for all application buttons.
  • Using client property SubstanceLookAndFeel.GRADIENT_PAINTER_PROPERTY on a specific button. Value should be "org.jvnet.substance.painter.SpecularGradientPainter" string.

Focus ring kinds

Added option to specify the focus ring kind. The focus ring kind is specified in the org.jvnet.substance.utils.SubstanceConstants.FocusKind enum and can be specified on any component. At runtime, the value is taken from:
  • The component itself.
  • The closest parent of the component.
  • The UIManager table.
The default value is FocusKind.ALL_INNER:

Watermark bleeding

Added option to specify that the watermark should "bleed" through opaque trees, lists and tables. When this option is turned on, the watermark is drawn with 40% translucency on text fields. This option can be turned on by specifying:
  • -Dsubstancelaf.watermark.tobleed - no value needed.
  • UIManager.put(SubstanceLookAndFeel.WATERMARK_TO_BLEED, Boolean.TRUE);
Note that this option will have no effect on cell renderers that fill their background programmatically (as shown in the below image on the selected tree entry):

Watermark ignore

Added option to specify that the watermark should not be drawn on a specific component or at all. This option can be turned on by specifying:
  • component.putClientProperty(SubstanceLookAndFeel.WATERMARK_IGNORE, Boolean.TRUE);
  • UIManager.put(SubstanceLookAndFeel.WATERMARK_IGNORE, Boolean.TRUE);

Specifying base and extra font size

Added API for setting base and extra font size for all the controls. The following two functions are provided in the SubstanceLookAndFeel:
  • public static void setBasicFontSize(int value);
  • public static void setFontSizeExtra(int value);
The default base font size is OS-specific (13 points for Mac, 11 points for other OSes). The default font family is OS-specific (Lucida Grande for Mac, Tahoma for other OSes where available, except under Korean, Chinese and Thai locale, and dialog otherwise).

Toolbar buttons

Buttons in toolbar are flat. Only on rollover (fade in / fade out) the background is seen.



Support for Matisse baseline alignment

The Substance Netbeans module provides support for baseline alignment in Matisse UI designer.

Gradient background on menu icons

The "icon gutter" on menus (regular and popup) has theme-based gradient background. In addition, the menu separator is not drawn in the icon gutter area.

Marking non-editable text components

Non-editable text components display an overlayed lock icon:

Auto-completion on editable comboboxes

Merged refactored version of auto-completion support in editable comboboxes by Thomas Bierhance.

Editable comboboxes marked with SubstanceLookAndFeel.COMBO_BOX_USE_MODEL_ONLY property allow completion-only (no other values allowed). In this case, a lock icon is overlayed on the combobox:

Translucency-based animation for title pane buttons

The title pane buttons (minimize, restore / maximize, close) of frames, dialogs, internal frames and desktop icons have translucency-based animation on rollover. See 34-second AVI movie (798 KB) illustrating the technique.

Rollover color wheel effects

Xoetrope's color wheel in the color chooser has been augmented with rollover effects. In the screenshot you can see the selected area and the rollover area (under the mouse pointer):

Configurable size of tab close button

The size of close button on tabs in JTabbedPane can be configured. Application should set SubstanceLookAndFeel.TABBED_PANE_CLOSE_BUTTONS_SIZE client property on either the tabbed pane's Component (if it's JComponent), JTabbedPane (for all tabs of that pane) or the UIManager (for all tabbed panes). The value should be an instance of Integer. In the screenshot the first tab has close button size set to 9, the second tab is default 11.

Animating close buttons of modified tabs

Instead of animating the entire modified tab in JTabbedPane, only its close button can be animated. Application should set SubstanceLookAndFeel.TABBED_PANE_CLOSE_BUTTONS_MODIFIED_ANIMATION client property on either the tabbed pane's Component (if it's JComponent), JTabbedPane (for all tabs of that pane) or the UIManager (for all tabbed panes). The value should be an instance of Boolean. In the screenshot the first tab has animated close button, the second tab is completely animated by default.